Our Objectives, seven indigenous peoples and their territories

Our Objectives, seven indigenous peoples and their territories
Revelation 7:9 (Click image)

1 de marzo de 2013

Embera Mission - Team

From Januray through February, we recieved the Indigenous DTS from Chiriqui. They joined our team toward the Embera ministry in the Chagres region. We visited prisons and Embera communiites, sharing with latino and Embera churches. We did community projects and workshops

Embera Youth Camp

February. This month my wife and I taught and supported the Embera of Llano Bonito church youth camp that was held in Chagres River area. During those four days, we were sharing the love of God to young non-Christians and encouraging young people coming from different Embera churches in Panama to get involved in missions and holistic and sustainable projects. We spent four intense days with games, worship, and workshops. At the end, the Embera church was very thankful for the supoort. Our mission will help this youth camp next year in Errebache Colon province.

Teaching in Peru's Amazon


I turned my eyes toward Jesus as I prepared for my trip to the Amazon. During our time in this dense jungle, we rejoiced with the tribal nation of the Urarina Tribe. I taught alongside my partner, John

Jesus Habla Embera